Public outreach
CReW is dedicated to engagement with the wider world: CReW researchers are active participants at national and international conferences and serve as visiting lecturers at universities. As well, CReW outreach extends beyond conference presentations into the more public realm.
In April 2020, the Center for Research in Wind prepared Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Potential Offshore Wind Developments in Delaware and Maryland. The purpose of these FAQs is to provide some fact-based information for the public regarding these two proposed offshore wind sites. It was written based on extensive research and study by the authors, Bonnie Ram, Jeremy Firestone, and Willett Kempton.
Offshore Wind Knowledge Exchanges in the Mid-Atlantic (2017 – 2020)
Bonnie Ram has organized and led offshore wind power stakeholder workshops in two Delaware coastal communities—Rehoboth Beach and Bethany Beach built around offshore wind knowledge exchanges. The workshops build on extensive interviews and conversations with local politicians and selected citizen groups. A number of CReW faculty and students also participated. The latest knowledge exchange presentation can be found here.
With competitive grants awarded by First State Marine Wind, Bonnie Ram, Associate Director at CReW, interviewed dozens of local stakeholders and decision makers about their views and perceptions about renewable energy. This qualitative research investigated what stakeholders and other interested parties are most concerned about and what they would like to know about the proposed offshore wind projects off the coast of Delaware and Maryland. Bonnie then designs in-person and virtual knowledge exchanges concerning these stakeholder’s views and values, particularly in the nearby coastal communities. Science-based studies and findings from the US and Europe are included and summarized. The CReW team is a trusted voice in the regional low carbon transitions and engages citizens in the public participation processes around these clean energy proposals.
Jeremy Firestone participated in meetings, including making written and oral comments before the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Board, leading to the late 2016 adoption of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan.
CReW’s Ajay Prasad played a lead role in conceiving the 2016 UD-Africa Energy Conference held in Newark, Delaware. CReW also participated as one of the Confernce sponsors and the CReW Director attended and spoke at the event.
In May 2014, Katya Samoteskul et al.’s study on the cost effectiveness study on re-routing commercial ship traffic to open areas for offshore wind power development was submitted to the US Coast Guard for consideration in their Port Access Route Study.
Professor Firestone gave a presentation to the Delaware 5th Annual Environmental Summit in Dover, DE in February 2013. This summit gathered Delaware’s environmentalists to discuss various topics, including the climate and energy future of Delaware, fracking and natural gas pipelines, and plastic bag bans.
From September 2013 through July 2014, Jeremy Firestone served on the University of Delaware’s internal working group on the proposed data center and power plant, which would have been located on the University’s Science, Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) campus. In July 2014, the working group produced a report and the University terminated the lease agreement with the project proponent.
Together with Alison Bates, Professor Firestone gave a presentation to the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) during Council’s August 2013 meeting’s Public Listening Session. This session was designed to provide an update on offshore wind power development in the mid-Atlantic and information on research we are undertaking about the potential for compatibility and conflict between offshore wind power development and fishing.
Cristina Archer organized a two day mini-symposium on February 27-28, 2013, titled “The Importance of Meteorology to Wind Energy: Research Needs for the Next 10 Years”. Over 40 participants from academia, national energy laboratories, the wind industry, and funding agencies gathered to identify research needs for wind development along the U.S. East Coast. Three main topics were explored: wind resource assessment, wind power forecasting and turbulent wake losses of wind farms. An overview of the latest research in these topics occurred on the first day of the symposium and was open to students and the general public. Experts gathered on the second day to identify research needs, and the resulting white paper is available in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.